Phone calls can be pretty influential: The new research

04.07.2023 07:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Not only meeting people in person, but also phone calling them can be very significant for businessmen and influencers.

New research from The University of Texas at Austin reveals the significant influence of phone communications on people's behavior, extending up to four degrees of separation from the initial caller.

Let's find out more!

Phone calls still matter

The specialists developed a new framework to study this phenomenon more accurately, distinguishing between peer influence and self-selection of like-minded friends.

For marketing and various public health agencies, it's crucial in targeting communications effectively.

phone call

The researchers also introduced a tool to identify influencers - very connected people capable of starting communication cascades.

They tested the framework using some mobile phone data from a small country in Europe and found that people who directly interacted with initial event attendees were highly likely to come to the event themselves.

What the researchers found out

Using the results, the specialists found a tool called "influence centrality" to identify individuals who spread information more effectively.

This valuable information can aid marketing efforts, allowing companies and different public agencies to promote products more efficiently.

Despite the huge impact of social media, old-school phone communication is still a crucial channel for researchers and marketers alike.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Phone calls still matter
  2. What the researchers found out