Self-pitying: Psychologist's insights

20.09.2023 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

No one likes self-pitying - but it's not always easy to recognize the signs of it in yourself.

To become a stronger and more likable person, you should keep your eyes on these signs, so you can improve yourself.

Here are a few signs of self-pitying you should know about to recognize these people around you.


They talk a lot about their problems and troubles, always saying how bad things are for them.

Blames Others

They tend to think that other people or circumstances are responsible for their problems.

sad woman

Feels Hopeless

They often believe that nothing can make their situation better.

Avoids Solutions

Instead of trying to solve their problems, they dwell on how unfair life is.

Isolates Themselves

They may distance themselves from friends and family, thinking that no one can understand their suffering.

Constantly Focuses on Their Pain

They are always thinking about how bad they feel, physically or emotionally.

Exaggerates Their Problems

They make their problems seem much worse than they really are.


It's normal for everyone to feel stressed sometimes, or to have problems - but you should always keep your eyes on your worldview and how you present yourself.

Self-pitying doesn't help anyone - so avoid it and work on solving your problems!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Complains
  2. Blames Others
  3. Feels Hopeless
  4. Avoids Solutions
  5. Isolates Themselves
  6. Constantly Focuses on Their Pain
  7. Exaggerates Their Problems
  8. Conclusion

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