Gestalt translated from German means “image”, “figure”.
Therapy assumes that the whole can be assembled from parts, so one should not underestimate the significance of events in a person’s life.
Gestalt is a kind of unfinished situation that continues to put pressure on a person.
It did not voice any thoughts or feelings at the time.
“Gestalt close”: what does it mean? One of the basic properties of Gestalt is the desire for its completeness.
“Close the gestalt” means to fully understand something and put an end to the subconscious in this or that issue.
The basic principle of Gestalt is completeness.
This means that if you did not finish what you started and this seriously bothers you, then the gestalt is not closed.
At the same time, if you have a task that does not require ordering and comprehension, it should not be considered a gestalt.
Literally translated from German, Gestalt means “form, appearance, figure,” and its derivative word Gestaltung means “design.”
Other analogues that are more or less suitable in meaning are “integrity”, “structure” and “model”.