Students are stressed, but bored during exams: A surprising study on boredom

13.05.2024 21:23

A group of experts from different countries wanted to understand why students feel bored during tests. 

They looked into this because, surprisingly, nobody had really studied it properly before. 

What they found is quite interesting!

Stressed, but also bored

The experts asked around 1,800 students in Germany about how bored they felt during exams and why. 

The students said that they got bored when the test was either too easy or too hard. 


Also, if they didn't think the test had anything to do with their lives, they got bored.

The researchers came up with something called the "abundance hypothesis." 

They said that when students are really struggling with a test, all their brain power goes into trying to answer the questions. 

So, there's no brain power left to deal with the boredom.

But if the test is super easy, there's plenty of brainpower to spare, so that's when the boredom kicks in.

Why it might be helpful to know

The researchers have some advice for teachers and parents. 

They suggest that tests should be made in a way that makes sense to students' lives, not too easy, and not too hard. 

If a student is struggling too much, they should talk about it with their parents or guardians to avoid getting bored and doing badly in school.

This study is important because it shows that being bored during exams isn't just a small problem. 

It can affect how well students do in school and even how they feel mentally and physically. 

So, researchers are starting to pay more attention to this, especially when it comes to making school better for kids.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Stressed, but also bored
  2. Why it might be helpful to know