What to eat for dinner to have a cheerful morning: get rid of sleep problems

31.03.2024 00:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

The key to a cheerful morning is nutrition.

In the article we will tell you, what kind of dinner will provide you with energy in the morning.

What not to eat for dinner

Before going to bed, it is undesirable to eat flour products, dishes made from complex carbohydrates - potatoes, grains, cereals, legumes. The exception is soybeans.

Firstly, it is very high in calories. Secondly, it is difficult to digest. If physical activity is not expected.

After eating a heavy dinner, you will feel more tired and less energetic in the morning.


What's best to eat for dinner in the evening

You can eat vegetables in any form in the evening. If you really want to eat, you can eat vegetables in any form at night.

For example, vegetable salad or cream soup.

Chicken or turkey is lean meat. This is a good protein dinner option.

Lean fish is also good.

Greens and vegetables are suitable as a side dish: boiled, stewed, baked or salad with low-fat dressing.

Nevertheless, it’s definitely better to avoid foods rich in carbohydrates.

It is better to leave heavy types of meat - beef, lamb and pork - for lunch so that there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach before bed.

Previously, we told you how to be cheerful even after a sleepless night.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What not to eat for dinner
  2. What's best to eat for dinner in the evening