What is gaslighting according to psychologists

26.07.2024 03:00

Gaslighting is one of the most popular terms in psychology.

What is gaslighting

Gaslighting is an insidious and unobvious form of manipulation and psychological control towards the victim.

The aggressor in this case makes the victim believe that they have memory impairment, mental disorders or lack of intelligence.

A gaslighter regularly and on an ongoing basis conveys false information to the victim, uses deception, manipulation, and distorts reality.

Gradually, victims begin to doubt their memory, perception of reality, and even their own mental health.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Over time, the gaslighter's manipulations can become more powerful, making it increasingly difficult for the victim to see the real picture and accept the idea that this is not so.

Gaslighting is often part of an abusive relationship.

However, gaslighting does not always involve physical violence.

What gaslighting looks like

The aggressor systematically lies to the victim.

For example, it distorts facts and events, creates an incomprehensible or contradictory picture of the world through manipulation and false evidence.

In addition, the gaslighter convinces the victim that all feelings and memories are false and erroneous.

Gaslighters are afraid that someone will start pointing out their own shortcomings or weaknesses.

So they begin to have power over the other person.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is gaslighting
  2. What gaslighting looks like