What is psychological violence and how to understand that a relationship needs adjustment: an island of safety

16.02.2024 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Psychological abuse is a form of non-physical oppression.

As a rule, we are not talking about one-time oppression, but about an established pattern of behavior where one person suppresses another.

How is emotional abuse different from psychological abuse

Psychological abuse has the goal of subjugating another person through verbal or nonverbal violence.

Psychological violence includes threats, humiliation and control.

Emotional abuse is the constant and deliberate infliction of emotional pain on another and the failure to accept their feelings.


This is not necessarily a direct insult or shouting at a person.

What is psychological pressure

This is a broad group of behavioral patterns.

All methods of this “pressure” force a person to do something that he does not like or do not want.

As a result, the person experiences guilt, fear, anxiety and severe stress.

How to recognize psychological pressure in your direction

Your partner makes fun of you or criticizes you in front of other people.

Your ideas, suggestions or opinions are never taken into account.

Pratner doesn't care what you want or think.

They try to completely control you, shame you or reprimand you for any actions, treat you like a child, despite your mature age.

Previously, we told you how to raise a happy child.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How is emotional abuse different from psychological abuse
  2. What is psychological pressure