How to stop your cat from sleeping on your laptop: Pet owner tips

13.05.2024 21:22

Sometimes cats love sleeping on their owners' laptops - for some reason, they find it warm and cozy.

While sometimes it can't damage your laptop in any way, sometimes it can cause problems, so it's better to stop you cat from doing it.

Here are a few tips you can use.


Create a Comfy Cat Spot

Set up a cozy area for your cat near your workspace. Use a soft blanket or a cat bed. Cats love comfy places, so they might choose this over your laptop.

Play Before You Work

Cats often disturb you because they want your attention. Spend some time playing with them using toys or a laser pointer before you start your work. 

This can tire them out a bit, making them less likely to bother you while you're busy.

Use Deterrents

Cats usually dislike certain textures. 

You can cover your laptop with materials like aluminum foil, double-sided tape, or a plastic carpet runner (spiky side up) when you're not using it. 

Cats don't like walking on these surfaces, so it can keep them away.

Close the Door

If possible, work in a room with a door and close it while you work. This way, your cat can't get into your workspace and disturb you.

Gentle Distraction

If your cat does jump on your laptop, gently lift them off and redirect them to their cozy area. 

Be gentle and patient; don't use force. Cats usually learn through gentle guidance.

Reward Good Behavior

When your cat behaves and stays off your laptop, give them a treat or some petting. 

This positive reinforcement lets them know they're doing the right thing.


With some time and patience, you can teach your cat to stay off your laptop and make your work hours more peaceful.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Create a Comfy Cat Spot
  2. Play Before You Work
  3. Use Deterrents
  4. Close the Door
  5. Gentle Distraction
  6. Reward Good Behavior
  7. Conclusion