Nature is amazing: The most unusual nests – birds that create magic

09.01.2024 16:16
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Not all birds make nests, but some of the nesting birds create really unusual and impressive nests for laying eggs.

These nests can be made of unusual materials, have unusual shapes, or be special in any other way.

Here are a few examples of birds creating extremely unusual nests.



Weaverbirds are known for their intricate nests. 

The males weave long strands of grass or plant fibers into elaborate, woven structures. 

These nests can be very large and have multiple chambers for the birds to live in.


Male bowerbirds create elaborate structures called bowers to attract mates. 

They collect and arrange various objects like shells, leaves, feathers, and even colorful items like bottle caps or berries to decorate their bowers. 

Each bower is unique to the individual bird, and they can be quite elaborate and visually striking.

Sociable Weavers

Sociable weavers build massive communal nests that can house hundreds of birds. 

These nests are constructed from twigs, grass, and other materials and can become huge, resembling a large haystack. 

The nests have separate chambers for different families of birds to live in.


Malleefowl, a ground-dwelling bird, creates large mounds made of dirt, leaves, and twigs. 

These mounds serve as incubators for the eggs. 

The birds carefully regulate the temperature by adding or removing material to keep the eggs warm.

Edible-nest Swiftlets

These birds build nests made of saliva, which hardens into a gel-like substance. 

The nests are formed on the walls of caves or cliffs. 

People collect these nests for culinary purposes, particularly in some Asian cultures.

Previously, we talked about beagles.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Weaverbirds
  2. Bowerbirds
  3. Sociable Weavers
  4. Malleefowl
  5. Edible-nest Swiftlets