When your cat constantly tries to steal your food, it might be quite irritating and also upsetting.
While you can't train your cats like you can train dogs, you can still teach them not to do it, or at least not to do it too often.
Here are a few things you can do.

Secure Your Food
Make it difficult for your cat to get to your food. Keep it out of reach or use food containers with lids.
Use Deterrents
Cats don't like certain smells. You can use citrus-scented sprays or place aluminum foil on the table to keep your cat away.
Feed Your Cat First
Make sure your cat is full before you eat. Hungry cats are more likely to try and steal food.
When your cat tries to steal food, say "no" firmly and gently push them away from the food. Be consistent in your response.
Reward Good Behavior
When your cat doesn't steal food, give them a small treat or some petting to reinforce their good behavior.
Ignore Bad Behavior
If your cat steals food and you react strongly, they might think it's a game. It's often better to calmly remove them from the area and not give them extra attention.
Be Patient
Teaching your cat takes time. They might not learn overnight, so be patient and keep at it.
Remember, every cat is different, so what works for one may not work for another. The key is to be consistent and gentle in your approach.