A recent study looked at how parents take care of their nine-month-old babies in England. Four out of five primary caregivers said they cuddle, talk, and play with their babies several times a day.
Kate Yakimchuk research child development childcare parenting tips parents Psychology 2 Декабря 2023If you've decided to do a little makeover to your room and change wallpapers, you have to get rid of the old ones first. While some wallpapers are pretty easy to take off, others might take some time and effort.
Kate Yakimchuk wallpapers house remodeling house makeover tips cleaning Helpful tips 1 Декабря 2023Christmas is the time of the year when you can create an amazing atmosphere in your house by using special home decor. There are plenty of items that are now seen as classic Xmas decorations, but you can also be more creative.
Kate Yakimchuk christmas holidays xmas christmas decorations holiday decorations House Design 1 Декабря 2023If you want to make your garden beautiful and romantic, then you should use vines that can climb or trail around surfaces. There are multiple plant varieties that can do it, so you can choose the ones that are the most suitable for you.
Kate Yakimchuk gardening garden plants garden vines planting tips Garden 1 Декабря 2023Chicken meat is often seen as the healthiest option for weight management and overall healthy dieting. Meanwhile, not all chicken parts are equally healthy, and they also tend to contain different amounts of calories.
Kate Yakimchuk chicken meat chicken breast dieting nutrition health Cooking 1 Декабря 2023Not all dog collars are comfortable to wear, so you should always check your pet's neck for signs of irritation. If you notice that a new collar causes lots of discomfort to your pet, then you should remove it and take good care of your dog.
Kate Yakimchuk pet health dog collar skin irritation dogs tips Animals 1 Декабря 2023Lots of people who enjoy coffee tend to dislike instant coffee because of its taste, texture, or lack of brewing. Lots of people are even sure that it's not even coffee in the first place, but they often just don't know how to make it taste good!
Kate Yakimchuk instant coffee coffee brewing tips ideas coffee Cooking 1 Декабря 2023You can have a few dogs in your life and make some mistakes in how you treat them. Even keen dog owners often make mistakes, but it's still better to educate yourself to fix these mistakes.
Kate Yakimchuk dogs training pet health mistakes care treatment Animals 1 Декабря 2023A recent experiment demonstrated that the brain circuitry of children can be influenced by pregnant women's encounters with discrimination and acculturation. It's important to note that these effects are distinct from those resulting from general stress or depression.
Kate Yakimchuk research pregnancy child development child behavior discrimination Psychology 1 Декабря 2023Lots of people face situations when it's physically hard to clean their houses - and it happens not only to older people. You can have a stomach ache or even break your arm one day, so house maintenance can immediately become almost impossible.
Kate Yakimchuk house cleaning washing cleaning tips immobility problems Helpful tips 1 Декабря 2023If you have kids, then you should think twice about every interior decision you make when remodeling your house or buying new stuff. Some of these decisions can be just inconvenient or hard to maintain clean, but others can be even dangerous for your kids.
Kate Yakimchuk children safety house safety interior design tips House Design 1 Декабря 2023Flowers can be quite high-maintenance plants, but they are too beautiful not to grow them in your garden. From many flowers, roses tend to be one of the pickiest ones, so they require lots of special conditions and care to thrive.
Kate Yakimchuk flowers roses gardening growing roses mistakes Garden 1 Декабря 2023There are so many foods you can buy these days, so it's pretty easy to feel confused or even lost when doing grocery shopping. To help you buy all essential foods and avoid unhealthy treats, it's usually better to make a plan in advance and follow it.
Kate Yakimchuk food storage healthy food foods dieting health Cooking 1 Декабря 2023You can be a keen cat lover and still believe in many myths about domestic cats - that's how myths work! Luckily, lots of animal psychologists and veterinarians share their knowledge to help you learn the truth about your cat's habits.
Kate Yakimchuk cats pets domestic cats myths animal facts Animals 1 Декабря 2023Humans have developed higher cognitive functions, mainly linked to the expansion of the neocortex. However, researchers now believe that the cerebellum, often called the "little brain," also evolved during evolution, so it adds to unique human abilities.
Kate Yakimchuk research cerebellum brain development human brain science Psychology 1 Декабря 2023If you live alone, then you might not make your house dirty too quickly, but you still need to clean it regularly. It's often hard to arrange a huge house cleaning when you feel like no one is forcing you to do it soon, but this cleaning day will eventually come.
Kate Yakimchuk living alone house cleaning tips washing maintenance Helpful tips 1 Декабря 2023When you don't like the way your house looks, you can't always just remodel it - it's not that easy for most people. Meanwhile, there are still a few ways of making your living space look more modern and stylish without wasting lots of time and money.
Kate Yakimchuk old house interior tips style retro trends House Design 1 Декабря 2023Garden tools require proper storage and maintenance, and it's not only about decluttering and organization. If you don't keep them in a suitable place, they can become rusty and blunt, and it's not what can help you.
Kate Yakimchuk gardening tools storage tips gardening equipment tools Garden 1 Декабря 2023When you're stressed or tired, you might overeat when you're not even hungry - and sometimes it's hard to stop it. One of the best ways to fight this habit is to switch to a healthy diet, but how can you do it?
Kate Yakimchuk overeating compulsive eating healthy food dieting nutrition Cooking 1 Декабря 2023Like human kids, kittens have baby teeth that later change to permanent teeth, and it usually happens way faster for cats than humans. Meanwhile, it might be still quite inconvenient for your kitten to eat solid food during this period, so it's better to change its diet a bit.
Kate Yakimchuk kittens cat health food permanent teeth tips Animals 1 Декабря 2023