Constant, prolonged stress and depressive disorders have a negative impact on memory.
Due to the fact that the brain focuses on a disturbing problem, a person may become absent-minded in other areas of life.
What slows down the brain
Consumption of content with low information content; chronic fatigue; sleep problems; lack of self-confidence.

Deterioration of brain function may be due to diseases of other organs and organ systems.
External unfavorable factors can affect memory, such as: lack of sleep, stressful situations, sudden changes in living conditions, increased stress on the brain, including memory.
Separately, it is worth noting life-threatening conditions that lead to cerebral edema and are manifested, among other things, by lethargy - these include stroke, compression of the brain by an intracranial tumor, and traumatic brain injury.
What is the healthiest fruit for the brain
Dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs, dates and other dried fruits and berries reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, cleanse the brain vessels of cholesterol plaques, improve memory and concentration, and help maintain good coordination.
Previously, we talked about how the brain changes with age.