Health benefits of mackerel according to nutritionists

21.08.2024 22:19

Mackerel is one of the healthiest types of fish.

Health benefits of mackerel

Mackerel has a positive effect on immunity due to its content of Omega-3 and vitamin D. 

Regular intake of these substances into the body increases our resistance to infections. 

Vitamin D, present in mackerel, plays an important role in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, which is especially important for bone health.

Mackerel is a rich source of vitamins such as B1, B12, B3, B6 and B9, as well as vitamins D, E, K and A. 

Photo: © Belnovosti

In addition, its meat contains minerals important for humans, including selenium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, and zinc, copper.

The fish is rich in lean protein and essential fatty acids that help maintain brain health and function. 

In addition, mackerel is an excellent source of iron.

Mackerel is not recommended for use in case of individual intolerance. It should also be avoided in case of liver diseases and kidney failure.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource