When preparing fried eggs, it is important not only to achieve the perfect taste, but also an aesthetically attractive shape.
Sometimes it is difficult to keep the yolk beautiful - it can become covered with a white layer, become cloudy or spread.
However, the most experienced cooks fried eggs look flawless.

What trick do chefs use?
To begin with, it is worth breaking the eggs into a bowl separately. After that, heat the pan and melt the butter. It is on this product that the most balanced and pleasant taste is obtained.
Next, add the eggs one at a time.
Do not salt the scrambled eggs during the cooking process, because if the product gets into the yolk area, it will become covered with a envelope or become cloudy.
You can also salt after the dish is ready.
The same rule applies to spices and herbs.
It is best to fry the eggs on minimum heat until fully cooked. As a result, you will get not only tasty, but also attractive scrambled eggs.