It happens that in the pre-holiday fuss, the housewives forgets to defrost the fish in time, and remembers this at the most inopportune moment.
It has been proven that “delicate” defrosting, when the fish is waiting for its fate in the fridge, affects the taste of the finished dish least of all.
Consider a situation where there is not enough time for such tenderness, and even more so, the usual method of defrosting is not suitable, when the fish is brought to life at room temperature.

To begin with, remove the carcass from the package, and then prepare a saline solution from 25-30 grams of table salt dissolved in a liter of warm water.
If we are talking about steaks or a medium carcass, then everything may take no more than two hours.
It is important to consider that after defrosting in salt, the fish may become drier.
Identify the frozen fish in the bag and send it to a container of cold water, or even better, place the bag under cold running water.
So you can defrost the product in just an hour, but it takes a lot of water
Not the best way, especially for delicate varieties of fish, even in the “defrost” mode.
Regardless of the availability of this function and the year of manufacture of the equipment, you should not turn on the timer for more than 1-2 minutes.
At the same time, it is necessary to control the process and the condition of the fish, especially if you still have to cut it.
It is best to cut into steaks a carcass that has not been completely defrosted.