When to put bay leaf in soup: only experienced chefs know

24.04.2022 15:15
Updated: 09.04.2023 01:26

In addition to salt and pepper, it is customary to add bay leaf to soups.

Often this is done simply by default, without even thinking about why it is necessary and when to do it.

At the same time, not all cooks respect lavrushka, and if they use it, they do not notice the presence of this additive in the general taste range.

This happens because the bay leaf was added at the wrong time or out of place.

Why do I need a bay leaf

This spice does not just ennoble ready-made dishes. Basically, it is recommended to add it during the preparation of dishes from meat, mushrooms and fish.

Foto: Pixabay

But most importantly, the bay leaf prevents the rapid spoilage of the soup, but the taste of such an additive almost does not change – only some flavor is added.

When to add

It turns out that the bay leaf is put into the soup no earlier than 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

After that, the pan should be covered with a lid for 10 minutes and let the dish brew. Then the bay leaf is extracted and thrown away.

How to add

It is necessary to rinse the leaf in running water, because a lot of dust and dirt accumulates on it during drying.

Where to add

As already mentioned, the spice can decorate dishes with meat, fish and mushrooms. But it will not spoil the taste of vegetable dishes, as well as cabbage soup and legumes.

You can replace it with rosemary, basil and other herbs.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Why do I need a bay leaf
  2. When to add
  3. How to add
  4. Where to add