When to salt meat when cooking soup or broth: mistakes of young cooks

29.04.2022 11:15

Young housewives do not notice how they violate the technology of cooking soups and broths even at the stage of cooking meat.

We are not talking about a violation of the recipe, but about a banal untimely addition of salt.

The opinion of society has split, and some believe that it does not matter.

Foto: Pixabay

In fact, we are not talking about the fact that if you salt the meat at the beginning of cooking, the salt will simply boil or evaporate.

The time of adding salt depends on how soft the meat will turn out, and the broth is transparent.

When to salt meat

First, let's clarify that if the meat is cooked to be added to the salad, then you can salt it at the very beginning.

But if meat is being prepared for soup, borscht or broth, then this should be done no earlier than 30 minutes before the dish is ready.

Even our grandmothers knew without any Internet that if they did it earlier, the broth would turn out muddy, and the boiled meat would be tough.

The early addition of salt leads to the fact that a number of substances are released from the meat, which makes it not so juicy and tasty.

In addition, it will be difficult to achieve a balanced taste of soup or borscht.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource