Why toss matches into water where eggs are boiled: now you will do the same

22.03.2022 19:15
Updated: 26.03.2022 11:49

All housewives know that when you boil eggs, you need to salt the water.

Someone adds soda, someone vinegar - all this is necessary so that the eggs do not crack during cooking and the egg white does not leak out.

However, why do they toss matches or toothpicks into the water with eggs?

Foto: Pixabay

It turns out that somehow toothpicks and matches keep the egg white from flowing out of the egg, even in the case of a small crack in the shell.

The housewives themselves cannot explain how exactly wood protects the eggs from cracks, but the method works.

Fill the eggs with water and drop 5-10 toothpicks into the boiling water.

After 10 minutes, cool the eggs with water and inspect them for cracks - they will not be.

As an experiment, eggs can be specially overdo.

The housewives promise that there will still not be a single crack on the eggs if you toss toothpicks into the water. The eggs will remain unharmed.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource