

Sometimes the first love in life leaves a mark. In this article, we will tell you why this can happen.

Diana Dashkevich love relationship mental health fun facts Psychology 9 May 2024

Hormones are biologically active substances that regulate all processes in the body. They are responsible for emotions and sleep quality, metabolism and appetite, as well as growth, development, the ability to bear and give birth to children and many other functions.

Diana Dashkevich happiness hormones mental health facts Psychology 12 February 2024

When exposed to a rewarding stimulus, the brain responds with an increased release of dopamine, the primary neurotransmitter associated with reward and pleasure. In addition, dopamine also enhances reward-related memories.

Diana Dashkevich mental health health facts health brain Psychology 7 February 2024

Researchers found that a specific hormone receptor called estrogen receptor (ER)  in the brain's limbic system helps reduce anxiety in male mice during social situations. They also discovered that ER has a different distribution and location compared to another receptor called ER.

Kate Yakimchuk research Psychology 17 January 2024

You've probably heard that love is blind, or that people who are in love can sometimes do silly things – but why? A team of specialists decided to discover more about this topic, and they seem to find at least one of the possible answers to that.

Kate Yakimchuk research in love brain activity science Psychology 15 January 2024

Hormones are involved in all vital processes of the body. Hormonal imbalance can cause metabolic disorders, changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory, reproductive and other systems and organs.

Diana Dashkevich mental health stress happiness hormones Psychology 18 December 2023

You've probably heard of happiness hormones called dopamine and endorphin - they affect your mood a lot. But how exactly do they affect your mood? And what's even more important - how can you use it?

Kate Yakimchuk dopamine mental health happiness hormones Psychology 17 December 2023

When thinking about food and happiness, lots of people assume that it's mostly their favorite dishes that can actually make them happier. In fact, some foods actually contain nutrients that can influence our hormones, which can actually make us feel happier.

Kate Yakimchuk food happiness Cooking 16 November 2023

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute found that pregnancy hormones can change a mouse's brain to get ready for motherhood.  They discovered that estrogen and progesterone affect a small group of brain cells and make them better at taking care of babies, even before the babies are born. 

Kate Yakimchuk research brain pregnancy Psychology 11 October 2023

Lots of people associate love with understanding and compatibility, but things are different when we talk about physical attraction. Hormones rule the party - and sometimes their influence is way stronger than you might think.

Kate Yakimchuk attraction love relationship Psychology 19 September 2023