When exposed to a rewarding stimulus, the brain responds with an increased release of dopamine, the primary neurotransmitter associated with reward and pleasure.
In addition, dopamine also enhances reward-related memories.
What is a dopamine pit
A dopamine hit occurs when dopamine levels in the brain are significantly reduced.
In this case, the person experiences a feeling of fatigue, apathy or depression.
One of the serious problems of the modern world.
This can lead to symptoms such as apathy, fatigue, loss of interest in life and difficulty concentrating.
Decreased levels of dopamine in certain areas of the brain may be one reason why people with major depressive disorder are unable to actively engage in activities they previously found enjoyable.
Why does a dopamine pit occur
A dopamine hit occurs when we become addicted to small pleasures and have difficulty concentrating on large projects, lacking the motivation to work effectively.
Previously, we talked about the non-obvious causes of depression.