How to clean your outerwear in your washing machine: Keep it clean and safe

25.06.2023 04:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

The outerwear doesn't need cleaning as regularly as other clothes do, but you still need to take good care of it.

To make sure your outerwear is safe and actually clean after you wash it in a washing machine, you need to follow some rules.

Here are some of them.

Read the Care Label First

Check the special care label on your outerwear for specific washing instructions.

It will provide guidance on the recommended water temperature, cycle type, and any special considerations.


Fasten Buttons and Zippers

Close all buttons, snaps, and zippers on your outerwear.

This helps prevent them from getting damaged or causing snags during the cleaning process.

Empty Pockets

Remove any items like coins, keys, or tissues to avoid potential damage to the clothing or the washing machine.

Pick the Right Cycle

Choose a gentle or delicate cycle to protect your items.

This ensures a more gentle wash for your outerwear compared to a regular or heavy-duty cycle.

Load Carefully

Avoid overloading the washing machine, as this can prevent proper cleaning and even may cause excessive wear on the item.

Adjust Water Temperature

Generally, colder water is suitable for delicate fabrics, while hot or just warm water can be used for sturdier materials.

Select a Gentle Spin Cycle

Choose a lower spin setting or opt for a no-spin or low-spin option if available.

This step helps prevent excessive agitation and also reduces the risk of damage to the fabric or shape of your outerwear

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Read the Care Label First
  2. Fasten Buttons and Zippers
  3. Empty Pockets
  4. Pick the Right Cycle
  5. Load Carefully
  6. Adjust Water Temperature
  7. Select a Gentle Spin Cycle