Expert Tips: How to Keep Watermelon Longer

04.07.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Watermelon is often left uneaten due to its large size. In the article we will tell you how to properly store the product and extend the shelf life.

How to store watermelon for a long time

The main conditions for the long-term preservation of watermelons are the temperature regime, the integrity of the peel and packaging. The optimum temperature is + 2-5 degrees at a humidity of 70-85%.

Therefore, the ideal place is the refrigerator. Unfortunately, many watermelons will not fit there, so the fruits can be stored in the cellar.

How to keep watermelon longer in the fridge

If you leave the watermelon in the cold for even longer, it will lose its taste and juiciness. Store the watermelon cut side down: moisture will not accumulate, and it will retain its taste longer. Keep watermelon away from other vegetables and fruits, as all fruits release their own substances that can affect the condition of the watermelon.

How long can a watermelon stay in the fridge

Unfortunately, cut watermelon cannot be stored for a long time. Namely, the shelf life of ripe berries is up to 2 days in the refrigerator. If you cut a watermelon and left it warm - on the table, for example, then after an hour it is not suitable for consumption.

Photo: Pixabay

Can you keep watermelon in the freezer

Frozen watermelon can be safely used for culinary purposes: chop into a fruit salad, make a smoothie, mix a cocktail or add to a dessert. Frozen watermelon will keep for up to six months.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to store watermelon for a long time
  2. How to keep watermelon longer in the fridge
  3. How long can a watermelon stay in the fridge
  4. Can you keep watermelon in the freezer