Nothing goes to waste: Unusual meat recipes from different countries

15.10.2023 17:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

People eat meat all over the world, and they usually choose the most obvious and meaty parts to cook.

Meanwhile, some unusual recipes from different countries might include pretty unobvious body parts, so no meat is wasted.

Here are a few examples of pretty exotic dishes from different countries all over the world.

Chicken Feet (China)

Chicken feet are a popular snack in China. They're typically deep-fried, steamed, or stewed. 

The skin is rich in collagen, which makes them chewy and gelatinous. 

chicken feet

They're often seasoned with flavorful sauces, such as black bean sauce or a spicy marinade.

Balut (Philippines)

Balut is a unique Filipino delicacy. It's a fertilized duck or chicken egg with a partially developed embryo inside. 

The egg is boiled, and it's enjoyed with a pinch of salt and sometimes vinegar. 

It's a street food favorite, and people often savor the different textures and flavors, from the broth to the soft embryo.

Haggis (Scotland)

Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish made from a sheep's stomach stuffed with minced sheep's liver, lungs, and heart. 

These ingredients are mixed with oats, onions, spices, and suet (a type of fat). 

The mixture is then boiled and is typically served with neeps and tatties (mashed turnips and potatoes).

Frog Legs (Various)

Frog legs are enjoyed in various countries, including France and China. They are often compared to chicken in taste and texture. 

They're frequently sautéed or fried and can be seasoned with a variety of herbs and spices.

Brain (Various)

In some regions, particularly in the Middle East and South Asia, lamb or cow brain is considered a delicacy.

It's typically cooked and seasoned with various spices to create unique and flavorful dishes.


While these foods may seem unusual to some, they are celebrated in their respective cultures and are often considered delicacies, showcasing the diversity of culinary traditions around the world.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Chicken Feet (China)
  2. Balut (Philippines)
  3. Haggis (Scotland)
  4. Frog Legs (Various)
  5. Brain (Various)
  6. Conclusion