Many people have heard that fatty foods are harmful.
In this article we will tell you whether this is really so.
Is it possible to completely give up fatty foods
If your diet contains many fatty foods, it is harmful to human health.

However, it is important to know when to stop.
A healthy diet must have a percentage of fatty foods.
After all, fats are needed for healthy skin, hair, nails, normal hormonal levels and human weight.
A complete rejection of fats often leads to weight gain, as a person begins to compensate for this with food rich in carbohydrates.
Which fats are good for health
In short, the healthiest fats are unsaturated fats. Doctors call saturated animal fats and trans fats less healthy.
Unsaturated fats of plant origin can and should be consumed daily.
Healthy fats are found in nuts, olive oil, avocados, turkey, tuna, salmon and mackerel.
You can get vegetable fats by adding walnuts, flax seeds, Brazil nuts, olives, and sesame seeds to your diet.
Previously, we talked about the reasons for overeating.