You Didn't Know It: The Health Benefits of Soy Meat

16.07.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Soy is often a meat substitute eaten by vegetarians and people who cannot tolerate meat. In the article you will learn how soy meat is useful.

Why soy replaces meat

Soy products can be a good alternative to animal products. Soybeans contain a lot of protein and are well absorbed by the body. The benefit of soy protein is that it reduces the level of lipids in the blood serum, total and "bad" cholesterol.

However, unlike meat, soy does not contain iron, vitamin B12, zinc, and therefore is not a complete substitute for animal protein.

These nutrients must be obtained from other sources.

Health benefits of soy meat

Soy meat is low in fat and cholesterol. Linoleic acid in the composition of soy texturate has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Flavonoids prevent the formation of cancer cells. Soy texturate contains vitamins B1, B2, H, E and minerals.

Photo: Pixabay

Soy meat removes radionuclides and heavy metals from the body, and the lecithin contained in it burns excess fat and prevents its accumulation in the liver. Like other soy products, meat relieves painful symptoms during menopause.

Who should not eat soy meat

It is not recommended to give soy meat dishes to children, since the isoflavonoids contained in it can adversely affect the growing body (primarily the endocrine system), as well as cause allergic reactions.

How to flavor soy meat

The taste of soy meat is quite neutral, which allows you to combine it with different products. In order to give the product a bright taste, spices are added to the meat and soaked in a sauce or vegetable broth before cooking.

Soy meat goes well with herbs, vegetables, rice and noodles.

By the way, unlike regular meat, soy meat can be combined with potatoes, they are compatible and perfectly digestible. Note: animal meat is not combined with potatoes, pasta, bread and rice, and is easily digested only with vegetables and herbs.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why soy replaces meat
  2. Health benefits of soy meat
  3. Who should not eat soy meat
  4. How to flavor soy meat