

When trying to lose weight, lots of people try to make their diets as healthy as possible, using only low-fat and healthy foods. Chicken breast is one of the healthiest options you can have, but it doesn't mean that it's the only type of food you're allowed to eat.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy diet nutrition food Cooking 2 December 2023

The ideal portion of white meat for an adult person can vary based on several factors, including individual dietary needs, activity levels, and overall health goals.  White meat generally refers to leaner meats such as poultry, like chicken or turkey, and some types of fish, which are lower in fat compared to red meats like beef or pork.

Kate Yakimchuk portion meat health dieting Cooking 27 July 2023

Turkey is a great lean meat, full of healthy nutrients, and it can be used in many delicious dishes. Though it might be quite expensive to completely replace chicken with turkey, you should definitely cook it more often than once a year.

Kate Yakimchuk Turkey healthy food cooking tips Cooking 2 July 2023
raw meat

If you prefer lean and low-fat meat, then you should use more poultry in your healthy diet. Chicken and turkey are both amazing for lots of dishes, but they are a bit different in terms of taste and texture.

Kate Yakimchuk Turkey chicken healthy food meat Cooking 28 June 2023

Chicken meat is one of the most tender types of meat, and it's also pretty easy to cook. But some cooking mistakes can make your chicken tough and less enjoyable.

Kate Yakimchuk cooking tips cooking mistakes chicken Cooking 25 June 2023

If you want to eat more healthy food, or to lose weight, then you probably should eat more poultry. Its tender, lean meat has lots of benefits, and you can use it in many amazing recipes.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food meat cooking tips Cooking 10 June 2023