
sad man

Some talented and smart people seem to have an amazing future, but mistakes happen - and that's why they end up terribly wrong. While it doesn't happen too often, it's clearly more often than some people might think.

Kate Yakimchuk disappointment personality Psychology 24 September 2023
tired woman

Lots of people feel like they don't work hard enough, even when they succeed - and that's a product of hustle culture that tells us to work as hard and as much as we can. If you're constantly unhappy about how much you work, but there are no objective reasons for that, then it's time to change your mindset.

Kate Yakimchuk tiredness work motivation Psychology 10 September 2023
stressed woman

If you often feel like it's too much for you to handle, then maybe it actually is. Recognizing that you have too many responsibilities is crucial for maintaining your well-being and preventing burnout. 

Kate Yakimchuk stress responsibility signs Psychology 27 August 2023
stressed woman

Pressure is overwhelming, and even strong people can feel exhausted when constantly pressed by other people's expectations and responsibilities. Feeling under pressure is a common experience, and there are several strategies you can employ to cope with and manage the situation effectively. 

Kate Yakimchuk stress well-being Psychology 26 August 2023