Adults meet and keep friends differently than kids or teenagers - it depends on their level of maturity, goals, and lack of free time to meet often.
Meanwhile, adult friendship can be extremely stable, supportive, and generally great - but only when your friends are emotionally mature.
Here are a few signs of adult friendship that can help you spot great friends.

You and your friend trust each other. This means you can rely on them and feel safe sharing your thoughts and feelings.
You treat each other with kindness and consideration. You respect each other's opinions, even if you don't always agree.
You talk to each other regularly, and you're comfortable discussing important things as well as everyday stuff.
When times get tough, your friend is there for you, and you're there for them too. You help and encourage each other.
Shared Interests
You have things in common that you enjoy doing together, whether it's hobbies, sports, or just hanging out.
You have fun together and make each other laugh. Spending time with your friend is enjoyable.
You accept each other for who you are, flaws and all. You don't try to change each other.
You give each other space when needed and respect each other's boundaries. You don't feel like you have to be together all the time.
Your friendship has lasted for a while, and you both want to continue being friends in the future.
The best thing about adult friendship is that it lasts - no matter whether you meet daily or yearly.
Keep looking for emotionally mature friends, so you can get all the support and trust you need.