Sometimes the age difference between partners can be noticeable. How might this affect relationships?
What is the acceptable age difference in a relationship
Psychologists believe that a difference of 3 to 6 years is the norm for building happy and healthy relationships.
Couples with a small age difference tend to have stronger families and marriages.

The fact is that people of the same generation have fewer conflicts and divorces.
How does a large age difference affect relationships
A large age difference sometimes results in partners being at different stages of life.
One person may have a crisis and another may not.
In addition, this can become a problem, if one partner is ready to start a family, while the other still wants to live outside of marriage and does not see children in the near future.
Because of this, partners may have different interests and goals, which can make it difficult to understand each other.
A large age difference may require partners to make more compromises in relationships and explain their opinions.
Previously, we talked about how you can cope with stress for those who have children.