Good to Know: Why Sport is Good for Mental Health

22.10.2023 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Regular exercise increases the level of the “happiness” hormone, which improves your mental state and helps you find peace of mind.

How does sport affect mental health

Exercise improves mental health because it releases endorphins and hormones that make you feel better.

Often, professional intervention is necessary to resolve mental health problems.


However, sometimes exercise can help.

Sport not only improves chemical processes in the body, but also improves self-esteem, reduces anxiety and mental fatigue, and minimizes the effects of stress.

During exercise, the body actively releases endorphins - neurotransmitters of a good mood.

Thirty minutes of physical activity daily can reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol and help you feel calmer for several hours after exercise.

How does sport affect thinking

Sport improves memory - the ability to remember information, as well as attention - the ability to concentrate on a task or object.

These processes have a positive effect on the functioning of the hippocampus, an area of the brain that plays an important role in the formation and storage of long-term memory.

Why does sport help with anxiety

How does exercise help reduce anxiety? Exercise distracts you from a disturbing topic.

Movement reduces muscle tension, thereby reducing the contribution that the body itself makes to anxiety.

What sport is good for the psyche

It is worth paying attention to yoga, Pilates, dancing or gym classes.

Such sports have a beneficial effect on a person’s psycho-emotional state.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How does sport affect mental health
  2. How does sport affect thinking
  3. Why does sport help with anxiety
  4. What sport is good for the psyche