

A healthy mind makes your body perform better, and a healthy body improves your psychological well-being.

Diana Dashkevich health mental health fun facts Psychology 18 January 2024

Willpower refers to a person’s ability to achieve a goal despite all the inconveniences and obstacles on the way to achieving it.

Diana Dashkevich sports mental health character fun facts Psychology 20 December 2023

Stretching is a set of exercises aimed at intense stretching of ligaments, as well as all muscle groups, increasing their elasticity, sensitivity and tone. Additionally, classes allow you to increase body flexibility and range of motion, making them freer.

Diana Dashkevich mental health health health facts Psychology 6 December 2023

Developed in the early 1900s by Joseph Pilates, this exercise program is designed to coordinate your breathing with your body movements, resulting in greater body control.

Diana Dashkevich health mental health hobby Psychology 25 October 2023

Regular exercise increases the level of the “happiness” hormone, which improves your mental state and helps you find peace of mind.

Diana Dashkevich mental health exercising Psychology 22 October 2023
sporty woman

Sports are an essential part of every healthy person's life, but why is it so hard to find motivation to do it? It's not always about laziness or boredom - you might just not be motivated enough.

Kate Yakimchuk motivation tips Psychology 11 September 2023

An active lifestyle has many benefits for your mental health. Physical activity recommendations state that physical activity improves brain health and cognitive function, and reduces the risk of depression and anxiety. Regular exercise helps improve sleep and mood.

Diana Dashkevich mental health mood facts Psychology 9 August 2023
stressful situations and negativity

In the modern world, everyone is subject to stressful situations and negativity. Use these few steps to make your life easier.

Diana Dashkevich stress mental health Psychology 16 May 2023