Holidays Are Full Of Unhealthy Habits: A New Experiment

21.12.2023 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

During the festive season, which is meant for joy, many Americans face difficulty maintaining their health due to a busy schedule.

In a survey, two-thirds of respondents acknowledged overeating, almost 45% reported taking a break from exercise, and more than half felt tired with reduced personal time.

Additionally, about a third admitted to consuming more alcohol during the holidays.

Holiday Season

Holiday activities can disrupt healthy habits, and losing one habit can affect others quickly.

To keep healthy habits during the holidays, specialists suggest sticking to a normal routine as much as possible and being forgiving with oneself.


What Can You Do?

For healthy eating, plan ahead and don't starve yourself all day if you have an evening event.

Eat a balanced meal earlier to avoid overeating.

Regarding exercise, try to maintain your regular schedule or adapt to family activities that can keep you moving.

Ensure adequate sleep by sticking to your normal sleep routine, even when traveling.

When it comes to alcohol, avoid binge drinking and stay within recommended limits.

Say no to excessive drinking and prioritize drinking water.

Scientists emphasize making small, consistent changes to actually reach health goals.

Recently, we talked about sharing good news.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Holiday Season
  2. What Can You Do?