Over time, the romance in a relationship may fade.
This is normal and we will tell you what to do about it.
What to do if romance is lost in a relationship
You can always bring romance back into your relationship.

Talk to your partner, ask what they miss and what kind of romance they would like.
Remember what previously made your partner happy and repeat the romantic moments.
Give your partner as much attention and care as possible.
For example, prepare a gift, surprise, massage, romantic dinner. Don't forget to give compliments.
In addition, you can put your wish lists together. In addition, start turning them from dreams into reality.
For example, traveling together, relaxing at sea, going to your favorite restaurant, going to the cinema.
Love notes or cards show your partner that you took the time and used your imagination to write something unique.
To make it especially pleasant for them, leave the card in a place where they will definitely look, but will not expect such a surprise.
If you're willing to spend money, you can make a custom card just for them.
Previously, we talked about the habits of unhappy people.