How to help a child cope with aggression: experts named effective ways

15.04.2024 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Aggression is a common phenomenon in children.

In this article, we will tell you how to help your child cope with his aggression.

Why does a child have attacks of aggression

Children often use aggressive behavior to stand out from others, protect their interests, or insist on their own.
Sometimes children's aggressive behavior is a way to ask for help.


When a child behaves aggressively, this means a need for love and affection, as well as care and comfort.

It is through aggression that children make it clear to adults that they feel rejected or unloved.

How to help your child cope with aggression

To deal with childhood aggression, carefully observe your child and his behavior.

If attacks of aggression last a long time and nothing helps, this is a reason to seek the help of a specialist.

A psychologist will help identify the causes of aggression in a child and help find a solution to the problem.

Remember that the child has every right to be angry. In addition, it's okay to get angry or upset when you can't get something.

Come up with an adequate way for your child to express aggression that is acceptable in your family.

For example, tearing up paper, playing sports, creativity, sharing your feelings and experiences if the child is older.

Teach your child to express anger in an environmentally friendly manner.

Tell us what not to do when you're angry. For example, hurting other people or physically showing your anger.

Notice when a child behaves non-aggressively in conflict situations and reward him for it.

Previously, we talked about how to mentally prepare for divorce.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why does a child have attacks of aggression
  2. How to help your child cope with aggression