In life, it is extremely important to be able to say no.
In this article, we will tell you how to refuse people without feeling guilty.
Why is it so hard to say no
The subconscious fear is loss of respect and loneliness.

By fulfilling all requests and refusing nothing, a person seeks confirmation of his importance and necessity.
As a rule, saying no is difficult for those people whose personal boundaries are blurred.
Often a person is afraid to refuse another because of the fear of offending and moving away from the person.
How to learn to say “no”
The ability to refuse helps you build and protect your personal boundaries.
Learning to say no will make you feel safer, more comfortable, and more confident.
It is important to know that refusal is not a violation of someone else’s personal boundaries.
Despite the fact that manipulators often try to prove the opposite.
You can learn to say no by recognizing your personal boundaries and knowing that they are valid reasons for declining unnecessary requests.
Saying no can help you manage your time and responsibilities.
Previously, we talked about why we miss our exes so much and what to do about it.