February is a month with few sunny days.
Therefore, you may feel less energy, productivity and fun.
Check your vitamin D levels
This vitamin plays a role in regulating our mood. Vitamin D deficiency often occurs in winter.

Low vitamin D levels are associated with seasonal depression and apathy.
You can talk to your doctor about how to check your vitamin D levels and find out which supplements are right for you.
Increase the amount of light
Try to go outside more often during the day, even if it is cloudy.
The dark months can be hard to avoid, but a few changes to your home or office can really make a difference.
For example, you can move your desk closer to a window or take a walk during your lunch break.
You might even consider using a daylight simulator.
Stick to a daily routine
Maintaining a regular routine greatly helps those who have trouble sleeping at night and waking up in the morning.
You can find a daily routine that will motivate you to wake up in the morning.
For example, your favorite breakfast foods or physical activity.
Previously, we talked about how hormones affect mental health.