How to teach a child to eat on his own: these tips will help if the baby refuses to eat on his own

25.04.2024 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Children should be able to feed themselves.

In this article, we will tell you how you can teach your child to eat with cutlery.

At what age should a child eat with a spoon

Typically, babies learn to hold a spoon around 7 months of age.


It happens in different ways, because children are all very different.

However, do not force your child to use cutlery if there is no interest in it.

Only after the child becomes interested, offer him special cutlery for children.

They are the right weight and size and are made from child-safe materials.

How to teach a child to eat with a spoon independently

Scoop a small amount of food into the spoon and give the device to your child.

It can be pureed soup, puree or porridge.

Then apply a little pressure on the baby's lower lip and insert the spoon behind it.

Don't wait until your baby tries to suck on food, run the spoon along the inside of his upper lip, and then remove the spoon.

Most babies around 6 months of age can swallow a spoonful of puree without choking.

Babies can begin using a spoon independently at around 10 to 12 months.

Don't worry if your child struggles to eat cleanly with cutlery for a long time.

It takes time for a child to get used to eating on his own.

Previously, we talked about how to learn to negotiate with a child.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. At what age should a child eat with a spoon
  2. How to teach a child to eat with a spoon independently