How to understand that a person does not love and does not value himself: experts named the main signs

13.05.2024 21:26

Self-dislike is a common psychological problem for many.

In this article, we will talk about the reasons and signs of self-dislike.

Where does self-hatred come from

Self-dislike can arise due to low self-esteem, which depends on various factors.


Typically, it is some long-standing event in life or childhood that makes a person believe that he is less worthy than others.

That there is something wrong with him and that he cannot be loved.

This could be bullying at school or strict parenting.

How to understand that you don't love yourself

Loving yourself means accepting yourself for who you are, taking care of yourself, taking care of yourself, understanding and recognizing your right to make mistakes.

Self-acceptance is when a person stops fighting with himself, accepts thw appearance and character, the worldview, allows self to be different from others and disagree with what they don’t want to agree with.

What is the danger of not loving yourself

If you do not tackle this problem in time, the most important consequence will be a spoiled and unhappy life.

A person will live all his life with low self-esteem, uncertainty and self-rejection, alone and secluded from people.

Such people rarely live the way they really want.

Previously, we told you what pathological jealousy is.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Where does self-hatred come from
  2. How to understand that you don't love yourself
  3. What is the danger of not loving yourself