Important to Know: How to Find Psychological Help

11.10.2023 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

More than 95% of adults face at least one barrier to health care, such as finances or lack of nearby access.

Where to find a psychologist if you have no money

You can contact government agencies that employ psychologists and get the necessary advice.

These may be social protection centers, out-of-school education centers, schools and kindergartens, medical institutions, public organizations, addiction assistance centers.

How to understand which psychologist to go to

When choosing who to go to - a psychologist or a psychotherapist, you need to objectively assess the complexity of the situation.

If a person is healthy and is concerned about a problem, for example, family relationships, it is enough to seek help from a psychologist.


If there are signs of aggression, depression, or apathy, you need to visit a psychotherapist.

What does the psychologist ask at the first session

The first session with a psychologist is, for the most part, a meeting and acquaintance.

To work, a specialist needs to know the client.

Person can ask questions about what led to the session, as well as about various life events, family, relationships.

What is the difference between a bad psychologist and a good one

A good psychologist always answers evasively and never gives assessments.

A bad psychologist can express his personal opinion and even use words prohibited in psychotherapy, such as “must” or “should.”

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Where to find a psychologist if you have no money
  2. How to understand which psychologist to go to
  3. What does the psychologist ask at the first session
  4. What is the difference between a bad psychologist and a good one