Studies have shown that people with depression are 72% more likely to develop cardiovascular disease in their lifetime.
Depression also puts people at a higher risk of developing other chronic conditions, such as diabetes.
What is psychotherapy
The goal of psychotherapy is to help a person find and understand the causes of his psychological problems.

The psychotherapist does not give life advice and instructions on how the patient should live better - on the contrary, the doctor only helps the person to realize his desires and the ways that can lead him to their fulfillment.
How psychotherapy changes your brain
However, in fact, at this moment, noticeable changes occur in the brain: the prefrontal cortex is activated, glucose metabolism increases, the concentration of neurotransmitters in the bloodstream increases - in the end, old neural connections are rebuilt, new ones are created, and gradually you become a different person.
What happens to a person after psychotherapy
Thanks to psychotherapy, self-confidence is formed, the feeling “I can do it”.
A person rarely feels doubts, indecision, fear, anxiety, easily adapts to new circumstances, leaves the comfort zone, is not afraid of change.
What should be a good psychologist
The mature personality of a psychologist is, first of all, about the conscious acceptance of one's real inner world, openness to one's own experience, a sense of empathy for others and taking personal responsibility.
It is also very important for a psychologist to have such qualities as empathy, respect, good intuition, it is very important to be reliable.