Positive childhood relationships improves adult mental health, according to a study

10.07.2024 02:00

A number of factors influence mental health.

How relationships affect a child's mental health

According to a study from Columbia University, positive relationships with parents and other adults in childhood influence the mental health of adults in the future.

Moreover, it does not depend on the presence of adverse childhood experiences.

The study showed that healthy adult-child relationships build trust and reduce the risk of mental health problems such as anxiety or depression.

Therefore, warm, safe and caring relationships with parents and other adults are extremely important for children.

Photo: © Belnovosti

This reduces the risk of stress, depression and increased levels of anxiety.

When a child does not have healthy relationships, this is fraught with an increased risk of mental disorders.

Adverse childhood experiences include things like emotional or physical abuse, mental illness in a caregiver, and domestic violence.

We previously shared how to take care of yourself while looking for a relationship.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource