Since dopamine in the brain causes people to seek pleasurable rewards in the media, screen time can feel overwhelming.
Globally, one report estimates that people spend about seven hours looking at screens every day.
What is a dopamine detox
Cameron Sepah came up with "dopamine fasting" - a technique for managing addiction to food, media or social networks through control and withdrawal of incentives.

He suggests temporarily limiting activities that cause excitement, euphoria, fear, or cause problems due to spending too much time.
This is a conscious temporary rejection of the usual pleasures in order to then more vividly feel the taste of life - today it is in trend.
How to Do a Dopamine Detox
Decide how long you need to detox, maybe a week or a month.
Identify your personal dopamine traps, such as social media, computer games, junk food, or too much novelty.
Schedule your dopamine reset.