The comfort zone is an area of living space in which a person feels confident and safe. In this article, we will tell you how and why you need to get out of your comfort zone.
The importance of stepping out of your comfort zone
The fact is that the comfort zone in itself is neither bad nor good. This is the usual natural state of a person - to be where he is well oriented.
To leave this place is to let anxiety into your life, which can have both positive and negative results.

The need for security, according to Maslow's pyramid, is in second place after physical needs. But if a person satisfies his security needs without leaving his comfort zone, then this will slow down his development and will not satisfy his cognitive needs.
Why expand your comfort zone
The more you expand your comfort zone, the more opportunities you get to control your reality. In addition, expanding the comfort zone, we are surprised to find that once complex things become simple and understandable.
Between the comfort zone and the critical level of stress (panic zone) there is an area of growth. It is in it that the maximum development and increase in productivity takes place.
You can always start with small steps.