Substance abuse leads to intelligence disability: A new study

08.10.2023 20:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

You might have noticed that correlation before, but now a study proves it - substance abuse decreases intelligence of your kids.

Children whose parents have problems with substance abuse have a higher risk of intellectual disability, even if it's only the dad who has the problem.

Let's find out more about the study that shows it.

Substance abuse matters

Previous research mainly focused on moms' alcohol consumption during pregnancy, but this study suggests that all types of substance abuse, by both parents and not just during pregnancy, can be risky.

The experiment looked at data from nearly two million babies born 1978-2002 and their families.


It shows that 1.2% of kids born to parents without this problem were diagnosed with an intellectual disability, compared to 3% of kids who had one parent with substance abuse.

The risk was higher if a parent received a diagnosis before or during pregnancy rather than after birth.

If a parent had a substance use disorder diagnosis registered before having kids, the baby had more than twice the risk of having intellectual disability, regardless of which parent had the diagnosis.

The scientists believe that both genetic and environmental factors may play a role in this increased risk.

Why it's important

The research emphasizes the importance of education about substance abuse not only toward mothers but also toward fathers with different types of substance use disorder.

It is hoped that these findings will contribute to better diagnosis and timely intervention for kids with intellectual disabilities and parents in need of substance use disorder treatment.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Substance abuse matters
  2. Why it's important