Take breaks when you can't concentrate: Psychologist's tips

28.10.2023 20:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Some days are just bad for work - you simply can't concentrate, so it takes forever to make things done.

While you can be a responsible person who can't stop until everything is done, it's still better to take short breaks.

Here are a few reasons for that.

coffee break

Preventing Mental Fatigue

When you work on a task for a long time, your brain can become mentally fatigued. 

This means it gets tired, just like your body does after a physical workout. 

When your brain is tired, it becomes more challenging to focus and make good decisions.

Restoring Focus

Taking breaks allows your brain to rest and recharge. It's like giving your mind a short vacation. 

During these breaks, you can do something enjoyable or relaxing, which helps clear your thoughts. 

When you return to your work, you often find it easier to concentrate because your mind is refreshed.

Maintaining Productivity

Without breaks, your productivity can drop because your brain isn't functioning at its best. 

You might end up taking more time to complete tasks that could be done more efficiently with regular breaks.

Reducing Stress

Continuous work without breaks can lead to stress and burnout. 

Short breaks provide an opportunity to step away from the demands of your work, reducing stress and improving your overall well-being.

Creativity and Problem-Solving

Breaks can also boost your creativity and problem-solving skills. 

Stepping away from a problem for a while allows your brain to process information in the background, often leading to fresh insights and solutions.


In essence, taking breaks is like giving your brain a breather and a chance to recharge, which, in turn, helps you stay focused, productive, and less stressed. 

It's a smart strategy to work smarter, not harder.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Preventing Mental Fatigue
  2. Restoring Focus
  3. Maintaining Productivity
  4. Reducing Stress
  5. Creativity and Problem-Solving
  6. Conclusion