What is Asperger's syndrome: important information

20.08.2024 02:00

Asperger's syndrome is a form of autism.

What is characteristic of Asperger's syndrome

Asperger's syndrome is considered a separate form of autism. 

This condition is not associated with mental retardation, but is manifested in significant difficulties in communication, disturbances in the perception of the surrounding world and adaptation to it, as well as in limited social interactions.

Asperger's syndrome is a condition characterized by difficulties in behavior and communication.

People with this syndrome, due to the innate characteristics of neurons, perceive the world differently than most.

Photo: © Belnovosti

They find it difficult to interact with others, as well as to understand their emotions and motives for their actions.

Children with Asperger's syndrome have difficulty expressing their emotions. 

They do not perceive gestures, facial expressions and intonation of the voice, which makes it difficult to choose a topic for conversation and understand when to start or end it.

They also have difficulty understanding humor, sarcasm and parables. 

These communication difficulties affect their social interactions.

In addition, children with the syndrome may exhibit repetitive behavior patterns and show interest in a limited range of topics.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource