What plants should be placed in the bedroom to improve health: advice from doctors

13.05.2024 21:26

Plants can help a person with mental health.

In this article, we will tell you which plants are useful to keep in the bedroom.

How do plants affect the quality of human sleep

Plants are a good source of oxygen in the room - they absorb carbon dioxide and thereby increase humidity and make the air clean, which is very important for healthy sleep.


What herbs to put in your pillow for sleep

A variety of herbs can be used as filler for herbal pillows.

For example, you can use mint, valerian, lavender, St. John's wort, laurel, hop cones, thyme, and chamomile.

You can consult your pharmacy or your doctor about the effects of each herb.

It is important that you are not prone to allergies to herbs and plants.

In addition, all plants will help improve the air quality in your bedroom.

This will have a good effect on the depth and quality of your sleep.

If there were a competition for the level of beneficial effects among indoor plants, chlorophytum would probably take first place.

The plant not only releases a lot of oxygen, but also purifies the air from harmful bacteria and dangerous impurities, including formaldehyde compounds.

Previously, we talked about how to learn to say “no” and refuse people.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How do plants affect the quality of human sleep
  2. What herbs to put in your pillow for sleep