Why do people lash out at each other: how to find an outlet for emotions - useful advice

21.02.2024 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

In this article, you will learn how to stop lashing out at your loved ones.

Causes of temper in humans

The reason may be excessive demands on oneself, mental disorders.

For example, bipolar affective disorder, neuroses, depression, personality disorders, behavioral disorders.


In addition, a person's temper may be caused by disruption of the endocrine system.

What to do to avoid taking it out on loved ones

Get more rest and sleep. One of the reasons for breakdowns may be fatigue and lack of sleep.

Try to make time to chat with friends.

Daily routine and monotony often cause breakdowns in loved ones. Try to diversify your everyday life.

In addition, try to find a hobby, play sports.

Physical activity and hobbies can often help cope with difficult emotions.

If you don't know how to cope, seek help from a psychologist.

How to express your emotions in an environmentally friendly way

Irritation is a very strong emotion that paralyzes muscles and breathing, so you can relieve irritation through relaxation techniques: physical activity or breathing techniques.

If you feel irritated, get up and walk, do squats, drink water, take a few deep breaths.

Previously, we told you how to understand that your partner likes you.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Causes of temper in humans
  2. What to do to avoid taking it out on loved ones
  3. How to express your emotions in an environmentally friendly way