Последние новости за 17 декабря 2023 года


Красавицы-герберы летом можно обнаружить на многих клумбах, которые своим присутствием делают участок ярким и привлекательным.

Елена Шимановская цветы растения цветение цветок гербера цветы герберы гербера букет Сад и Огород

В субботу, 16 декабря, Министерство обороны России опубликовало очередную суточную сводку о ходе СВО в Украине.

Курчев Антон Россия Министерство обороны России новости СВО в Украине вертолет информация Новости России Общество

One of the most distinctive Christmas symbols is a pile of beautifully wrapped boxes near your chimney or Christmas trees. A pile of gifts can become a perfect holiday decoration, but it only looks good if you carefully design its size, colors, and shape.

Kate Yakimchuk christmas decorations home decor presents christmas ideas House Design

You don't have to wait until summer to enjoy beautiful flowers in your garden - some flower varieties can bloom in spring as well! For instance, Peonies can make your garden beautiful before it's already summer - you just have to provide the best conditions for them to thrive.

Kate Yakimchuk peonies garden flowers gardening tips flowers tips Garden

A recent study highlights the significance of sleep for cognitive abilities and emotional well-being, especially for those facing high-stress situations. The research suggests that people should avoid making crucial decisions after a night without adequate sleep.

Kate Yakimchuk research sleep patterns decisions cognitive skills brain Psychology

Fresh seeds have a sweetish, buttery taste with a slight nutty and herbaceous undertone.

Диана Дашкевич seeds nutrition facts food healthy food Cooking

Our friends are supposed to be on our side - they are people who are expected to be glad when something good happens to us. In real life, friends can sometimes be jealous of your success, so they can act differently or even sabotage you.

Kate Yakimchuk jealousy mental health communication emotions psychologist tips Psychology