Why dogs hide their toys: Curious pet habits

22.10.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Have you ever wondered why your dog tries to hide its toys from you?

While people might see it as a sign of lack of trust, it's usually not - it's just one more curious pet habit.

Let's find out more about it.

Instinctual Behavior

Dogs have inherited behaviors from their wild ancestors, like wolves. 

In the wild, these animals would hide their food to keep it safe from other creatures and to save it for later when they might be hungry again. 


So, when your dog hides their toys, it's a bit like a survival instinct that's still part of their nature.

Security Blanket

Dogs can see their toys as sources of comfort and security. Hiding them is like having a security blanket. 

It makes them feel safe and at ease, sort of like how you might have a favorite cozy spot in your home.

Fun and Games

Dogs are playful by nature. Hiding toys can be a fun game for them. It's like a treasure hunt. 

They enjoy finding and rediscovering their toys. It's like when you play hide-and-seek with your friends.

Boredom Buster

Sometimes, when dogs have a lot of energy or when they're feeling a bit bored, they hide toys as a way to keep busy. 

It's like a puzzle or a game that helps pass the time and entertain them.


Dogs are smart, and they often figure out that when they hide toys, it gets your attention. 

When they see you searching for their hidden treasures, it's like a game they play with you. 

They love the interaction and connection with their human friends.


So, when your dog hides their toys, it's not just random behavior; it's a mix of their natural instincts, a way to feel safe, a form of entertainment, a solution to boredom, and sometimes a clever trick to get your attention. 

It's all part of what makes them such delightful and playful companions.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Instinctual Behavior
  2. Security Blanket
  3. Fun and Games
  4. Boredom Buster
  5. Attention-Seeking
  6. Conclusion